Design - City of FL

Forest Lake Park Improvements

Take a glance at Forest Lake City Parks and you will soon see plenty of changes and updates.  Cedar Park and Clear Lake Park will be completely restructured with all new playgrounds and amenities while Kulenkamp Memorial Park will see an expansion of the current playground equipment.  Neighbors in the Cedar Park area are so excited about their “new” park that they asked to be a part of the building process.  On September 6th, neighborhood volunteers will participate in a community build of the playground at Cedar Park.  There will be quite the festive atmosphere during this exciting project.

For the expansion at Kulenkamp Memorial Park, the entire community is invited to be a part of the building process.  On September 13th, everyone is welcome to join us at the playground to add our new play features.  Volunteer installers, music entertainment, and food for the volunteers will be a part of this festive day at the park so feel free to bring your smile and good cheer.

At seven other parks there will be supplementary rubber playground mulch and three will have new picnic tables to replace the current ones that are broken.  In addition, all 22 parks will receive new park signs.  Over the years, the signs have been damaged and vandalized and new, consistent signs are needed.  Finding a city park will now be so much easier.

Finally, the tennis and basketball courts at Beltz Park will be re-surfaced in a much-anticipated project.  Many community members have expressed the need for this project.  The projected time line for the re-surface project is late August or early September.  There will be plenty to celebrate at the parks this fall – we hope to see you there!

Community Build - City of FL